4 thoughts on “Jesco White, the Dancing Outlaw, struggling”

  1. Hey Jesco:

    You are the best. Good luck on the rest of your career. Keep up the good work and can’t wait until you produce another video. I have the DVD with all three and it is my favorite. My office staff loved watching it too. In fact we watched it between patients.

    From the Hills of East Tennesee

    Dr Doctor

  2. Hey Jesco:

    You are the best. Good luck on the rest of your career. Keep up the good work and can’t wait until you produce another video. I have the DVD with all three and it is my favorite. My office staff loved watching it too. In fact we watched it between patients.

    From the Hills of East Tennesee

    Dr Doctor

  3. NIGHT TRAIN, the band that parties with and often plays back up to Jesco White, is playing at the Marietta Brewing Co. (Just across the river from West Virginia) in Marietta, OH. Friday, July 29, 2005, beginning at 10 pm. Night Train’s Southern Rock and crazy hillbilly antics onstage has to be seen to be believed! Check them out at http://www.8thgradebride.com and you will find great photos of Jesco White.

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