Tag Archives: Carlos Santana

Adios, Carlos

While Carlos Santana garnered a whole new category of listeners thanks to the exceedingly popular Supernatural recording of 1999, we’ve got to think that it may be over for him, once again. This prediction is based on the news that he is participating in the “Acura Presents Santana Tour,” which includes 12 performances during a two-month period. (No, this isn’t a case of it taking two months to hit 12 venues, but it will be some in August, some in October.)

Acura makes awfully good cars. Of that, there can be little question, so the association isn’t shaky. And while the notion of corporate entities backing tours has been slogged on this site many times, that’s not why I suspect he’ll soon be back listened to mainly by the long-standing stalwarts (as distinct from that entire Gap-clad cadre that “found” him), either.

It’s simply this: last year’s “Acura Presents” Tour featured Paul Simon. The year before that it was John Fogerty. (See a demographic pattern here?) And when is the last time you hear anything from either of those two, unless it was on a “classics” station (or turntable)?

Perhaps this is Acura’s version of the Sports Illustrated jinx.