Tag Archives: Temper Temper

Interview with “OC-band” Temper Temper

Temper TemperTemper Temper is one of those bands that Milwaukee writers have to restrain themselves from calling the Next Big Thing. They have been playing, touring and recording around Milwaukee and nationally for a few years now, and released their first album in March of this year. The self-titled record is so slinky and dark and dancey and sexy that it was really only a matter of time before the world took notice of it. In this case, the world came calling in the form of what some might say is the ultimate modern compliment—a featured song on The O.C. (Season 2, Episode 20: “The OC Confidential”). You may have noticed that we here at Glorious Noise are somewhat obsessed with The O.C., and all squabbles about the declining quality of the show aside, the music has always been one of the most remarkable things about it. Temper Temper is currently in the midst of an East Coast tour, and bassist Andy Menchal answered the questions I had about the selection process via email, and it turns out that if you’re in a band as poised on the brink of blowing the hell up as Temper Temper is, you learn to be blasé about this sort of thing.

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