I Write the Songs That Make the Whole World Sing

The Associated Press’ Nekesa Mumbi Moody is reporting that artists are taking credit for other’s songs:

This being the music industry, money is, of course, a factor, since the writers of hit songs can earn more than the singer over the long term. But today’s singers also press for writing credit because it gives them more of a cache, presenting them as more of a “real artist” in comparison with a star who doesn’t write a note.

This has been going on since (at least) the days of Elvis Presley, whose manager would demand songwriters split the publishing with the King. So it goes.

Same article on MSNBC. (This is a test to see who archives their AP stories longest.)

One thought on “I Write the Songs That Make the Whole World Sing”

  1. “But today’s singers also press for writing credit because it gives them more of a cache…”

    It gives them more virtual memory? Fantabulous!

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