Carl Barat on Pete Doherty

Previously unseen picture of Pete Doherty and old Libertines band-mate Carl Barat

Carl Barat talks to the Sunday Mail about “the tragedy of Pete Doherty.”

“You can’t give Pete advice. I’ve been through all that many times before. We were in Paris writing the second Libertines album, and I said to him, ‘Heroin and crack are bigger than you, mate — much bigger. If you carry on with those drugs, they’ll write their own story. Because that’s what those drugs do. If you keep doing them, there are only two scenarios. Either you’ll die or you’ll live the rest of your life like Gollum in The Lord Of The Rings.’ Quite often I’d try to shock him by saying things like that. But Pete never wanted to listen.”

Also of interest to Libertines fans:

“It reminded me how great we were together and how much unfinished business there is. … As to whether the Libertines could reform, that’s a big maybe. It’s a question that follows me around constantly. I’ll be out getting a loaf of bread and some aggressive schoolkid will come up and ask, ‘When are you getting the Libertines back together?’ I deal with it politely, but I’m thinking, ‘Do you really think this is something I haven’t given a lot of thought to?'”

Romance at Short Notice is out now in the UK, but a domestic release date has yet to be set by Interscope.

Dirty Pretty Things: Web, MySpace, Wiki.

Previously: GLONO Video with Dirty Pretty Things wherein we gave the band an authentic tour of Chicago with vintage clothes shopping in Wicker Park, hotdogs, and a quick dip in Lake Michigan.

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